This pad builds on [[hacklab-xmega/rev.4129]], created by Antti & heikkki & tkln & suovula & rambo & Heikki & jautero & mokis & [unnamed author] & Kremmen & jari & netl & ExTechOp & Hukka Atmelin XMEGA mikrokontrollereihin liittyvää tauhkaa (nämä testattu nyt Mac OS X + CrossPack-AVR-20121207.dmg) Vaihda 32a4 -> 128a1, jos käytät isoa punaista lautaa! Testisoftien kääntö ilman makefilehirvityksiä *compile and link *avr-gcc -mmcu=atxmega32a4u -I. -O3 -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -Wall -Wa,-adhlns=./xtest.lst -Wl,,--cref xtest.cpp -o xtest.elf *store disassembly *avr-objdump -Dx xtest.elf > xtest.asm *convert .elf to .hex *avr-objcopy -O ihex xtest.elf xtest.hex *upload with AVRISPmkII *avrdude -c avrisp2 -P usb -p x32a4 -U flash:w:xtest.hex Tällä saadaan DFU-bootloaderi sisään *download Atmel AVR1916: USB DFU Boot Loader for Atmel XMEGA * *XMEGA_bootloaders_v104/binaries/atxmega32a4u_104.hex *XMEGA_bootloaders_v104/binaries/atxmega128a1u_104.hex * *some documentation *Suovulan binääripatchätyt bootloaderit * *set fuses *avrdude -c avrisp2 -P usb -p x32a4 -U fuse1:w:0x00:m -U fuse2:w:0x9F:m -U fuse4:w:0xFF:m -U fuse5:w:0xF0:m *WDWP = 8CLK *WDP = 8CLK *BOOTRST = BOOTLDR <- resetissä bootloaderiin *TOSCSEL = ALTERNATE <- 32768 Hz kellokide PEx ja PEy (32a4) *BODPD = DISABLED *RSTDISBL = UNSET *SUT = 0MS *WDLOCK = UNSET *JTAGEN = DISABLED <- B-portin 4 ylintä bittiä käyttöön (128a1) *BODACT = DISABLED *EESAVE SET *BODLVL 3V0 *convert hex to bin for avrdude *avr-objcopy -I ihex -O binary atxmega32a4u_104_Pxy.hex atxmega32a4u_104.bin *program with AVRISPmkII *avrdude -e -c avrisp2 -P usb -p x32a4 -U boot:w:atxmega32a4u_104.bin Tällä saadaan piiri menemään bootissa DFU-moodiin *short pin Pxy to GND *connect USB-cable *in Linux *lsusb *... *in Mac OS X *system_profiler SPUSBDataType *Etsi: Vendor ID: 0x03eb (Atmel Corporation) *Laiteid:t vaihtelee bootloaderin version mukaan. *32A4U sample: "Composite Device:, Product ID: 0x2fe4, Vendor ID: 0x03eb (Atmel Corporation), Version: 0.04, Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec, Location ID: 0x1d100000 / 3, Current Available (mA): 500, Current Required (mA): 100" *128A1U sample: "DFU ATXMEGA128A1U:, Product ID: 0x2fed, Vendor ID: 0x03eb (Atmel Corporation), Version: 0.04, Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sec, Manufacturer: ATMEL, Location ID: 0x1d100000 / 3, Current Available (mA): 500, Current Required (mA): 100" *upload with DFU *dfu-programmer atxmega32a4u flash xtest.hex ----hombrew updated formula (brew edit dfu-programmer)------ require 'formula' class DfuProgrammer < Formula head '' homepage '' depends_on 'libusb-compat' def install system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make install" end end ----/hombrew updated formula------ -suovulan dfu-programmer korjaus 128A1U:lle, julkaistaan kun on paremmin testailtu- * *arguments.h add to enum targets_enum line ~105 *tar_atxmega128a1u, *arguments.c add to static struct target_mapping_structure target_map[] line ~127 *{ "atxmega128a1u", tar_atxmega128a1u, adc_AVR32, 0x2FED, 0x03eb, 0x20000, 0x2000, true, 128, true, false, 32, 0x0800 }, *make *sudo make install Binary batching different sense pin to DFU-bootloaders /usr/local/CrossPack-AVR/avr/include/avr/iox32a4u.h /usr/local/CrossPack-AVR/avr/include/avr/iox128a1u.h atxmega32a4u_104.hex = pin PC3 *800A: 92 F0 06 40 sts 0x640, R15 // PORTC_DIR(0x0640) *8010: 93 00 06 53 sts 0x653, R16 // PORTC_PIN3CTRL(0x0653) *801C: 91 00 06 48 lds R16, 0x648 // PORTC_IN(0x0648) *8020: FF 03 sbrs R16, 3 // PORT_PIN(3) *80DE: 92 F0 06 53 sts 0x653, R15 // PORTC_PIN3CTRL(0x0653) PC3 -> PD3 F0924006 -> F0926006 00935306 -> 00937306 00914806 -> 00916806 03FF -> 03FF F0925306 -> F0927306 Pin 3 -> 0 00937306 -> 00937006 03FF -> 00FF F0927306 -> F0927006 PF0/5 -> PJ7 F092A006 -> F0920007 0093B506 -> 00931707 0091A806 -> 00910807 00FF -> 07FF F092B506 -> F0921707 PD0 -> PE0 F0926006 -> F0928006 00937006 -> 00939006 00916806 -> 00918806 00FF -> 00FF F0927006 -> F0929006 PORTA_DIR = 0x0600, PORTA_IN = 0x0648, PORTA_PINxCTRL = 0x061x PORTB_DIR = 0x0620, PORTB_IN = 0x0628, PORTB_PINxCTRL = 0x063x PORTC_DIR = 0x0640, PORTC_IN = 0x0648, PORTC_PINxCTRL = 0x065x PORTD_DIR = 0x0660, PORTD_IN = 0x0668, PORTD_PINxCTRL = 0x067x PORTE_DIR = 0x0680, PORTE_IN = 0x0688, PORTE_PINxCTRL = 0x069x PORTF_DIR = 0x06A0, PORTF_IN = 0x06A8, PORTF_PINxCTRL = 0x06Bx PORTH_DIR = 0x06E0, PORTH_IN = 0x06E8, PORTH_PINxCTRL = 0x06Fx PORTJ_DIR = 0x0700, PORTJ_IN = 0x0708, PORTJ_PINxCTRL = 0x071x PORTK_DIR = 0x0720, PORTK_IN = 0x0728, PORTK_PINxCTRL = 0x073x PORTQ_DIR = 0x07C0, PORTQ_IN = 0x07C8, PORTQ_PINxCTRL = 0x07Dx PORTR_DIR = 0x07E0, PORTR_IN = 0x07E8, PORTR_PINxCTRL = 0x07Fx Atomiset käyskyt jotka löytyvät uudemmista xmegoista: inline uint8_t atomicExchange(volatile uint8_t * ptr, uint8_t val) { // uint8_t tmp = *ptr; *ptr = val; val = tmp; asm volatile ("xch Z, %0" : "=r" (val) : "z" (ptr), "0" (val)); return val; } inline uint8_t atomicLoadAndSet(volatile uint8_t * ptr, uint8_t val) { // uint8_t tmp = *ptr; *ptr = tmp | val; val = tmp; asm volatile ("las Z, %0" : "=r" (val) : "z" (ptr), "0" (val)); return val; } inline uint8_t atomicLoadAndClear(volatile uint8_t * ptr, uint8_t val) { // uint8_t tmp = *ptr; *ptr = tmp & ~val; val = tmp; asm volatile ("lac Z, %0" : "=r" (val) : "z" (ptr), "0" (val)); return val; } inline uint8_t atomicLoadAndToggle(volatile uint8_t * ptr, uint8_t val) { // uint8_t tmp = *ptr; *ptr = tmp ^ val; val = tmp; asm volatile ("lat Z, %0" : "=r" (val) : "z" (ptr), "0" (val)); return val; }