Write References for the book, article, and website below. We will do the first one together as an example. Use the VCC APA Guide and any database tools you can. You will see your C lassmates examples. You do not need to enter your name. Example: Find "Banning the Potlatch in Canada" in the Canadian Encyclopedia online, and write a reference: 1. Find the CBC article online and write a reference: "Indigenous designers in BC outraged over claims of Authenticity by non-Indigenous competitor" Lindsay, B. (October 6, 2020). Indigenous designers in BC outraged over claims of authenticity by non-Indigenous competitor. CBC News. Retrieved from: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-chloe-angus-non-indigenous-fashion-designer-1.5742507#:~:text=British%20Columbia-,Indigenous%20designers%20in%20B.C.%20outraged%20over%20claims%20of%20authenticity%20by,licenses%20designs%20from%20Indigenous%20artists. Bethany Lindsay Indigenous designers in B.C. outraged over claims of authenticity by non-Indigenous competitor CBC News · Sep 30, 2020 1:00 AM PT | Last Updated: October 6 2. Look up this book on the library website and write a reference: Indigenous business in Canada: Principles and practices Brown, K,G., Doucette, M., & B. Tulk, E. (2016). Indigenous business in Canada: Principles and practices. Cape Breton University Press. Retrieved from: http://cbup.ca/books/brown-doucette-tulk-indigenous-business-2/ Brown, K G, Doucette, MB, & Tulk, JE (2016). Indigenous business in Canada: principles and practices . Cape Breton University Press. 3. Find this article on the library website and write a reference: "An Arts-Based Curriculum Encounter: What Does It Mean to Live on This Land?" Conrad, D., Jagger, P., Bleeks, V., & Auger, S. (2018). An a rts- b ased c urriculum e ncounter: What d oes itm ean to l ive on t his l and? McGill Journal of Education , 53 (2), 379–392. Conrad, D., Jagger, P., Bleeks, V., & Auger, S. (2018). An Arts-Based Curriculum Encounter: What Does It Mean to Live on This Land? McGill Journal of Education , 53 (2), 379–392. Conrad, D., Jagger, P., Bleeks, V., & Auger, S. (2018). An Arts-Based Curriculum Encounter: What Does It Mean to Live on This Land? McGill Journal of Education , 53 (2), 379–392. 4. Write a reference for something you are using for your assignment: (include link) Indigenous corporate training INC. (2015). What is the root cause of Aboriginal education issues. Working effectively with Indigenous peoples. Blog Post. Retrieved from https://www.ictinc.ca/blog/what-is-the-root-cause-of-aboriginal-education-issues Statistics Canada. (2017). Labor market experiences of First Nations people living off reserve: Key findings from the 2017 Aboriginal peoples survey , (Catalog number No. 89-653-x20180004). Retrieved from https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/89-653-x/89-653-x2018003-eng.htm 1. Find the CBC article online and write a reference: "Indigenous designers in BC outraged over claims of Authenticity by non-Indigenous competitor" Lindsay, B. (October 6, 2020). Indigenous designers in BC outraged over claims of a uthenticity by a non-Indigenous competitor. CBC News . Retrieved from: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-chloe-angus-non-indigenous-fashion-designer-1.5742507#:~:text=British%20Columbia-,Indigenous%20designers%20in% 20B.C.% 20outraged% 20over% 20claims% 20of% 20authenticity% 20by, licenses% 20designs% 20from% 20Indigenous% 20artists . Bethany Lindsay Indigenous designers in BC outraged over claims of Authenticity by non-Indigenous competitor CBC News · Sep 30, 2020 1:00 AM PT | Last Updated: October 6 2. Look up this book on the library website and write a reference: Indigenous business in Canada: Principles and practices Brown, K, G., Doucette, M., & B. Tulk, E. (2016). Indigenous business in Canada: Principles and practices. Cape Breton University Press. Retrieved from: http://cbup.ca/books/brown-doucette-tulk-indigenous-business-2/ Brown, KG, Doucette, MB, & Tulk, JE (2016). Indigenous business in Canada: principles and practices . Cape Breton University Press. 3. Find this article on the library website and write a reference: "An Arts-Based Curriculum Encounter: What Does It Mean to Live on This Land?" Conrad, D., Jagger, P., Bleeks, V., & Auger, S. (2018). An Arts-Based Curriculum Encounter: What Does It Mean to Live on This Land? McGill Journal of Education , 53 (2), 379–392. Conrad, D., Jagger, P., Bleeks, V., & Auger, S. (2018). An Arts-Based Curriculum Encounter: What Does It Mean to Live on This Land? McGill Journal of Education , 53 (2), 379–392. Conrad, D., Jagger, P., Bleeks, V., & Auger, S. (2018). An Arts-Based Curriculum Encounter: What Does It Mean to Live on This Land? McGill Journal of Education , 53 (2), 379–392. 4. Write a reference for something you are using for your assignment: (include link) Indigenous corporate training INC. (2015). What is the root cause of Aboriginal education issues. Working effectively with Indigenous peoples. Blog Post. Retrieved from https://www.ictinc.ca/blog/what-is-the-root-cause-of-aboriginal-education-issues Statistics Canada. (2017). Labor market experiences of First Nations people living off reserve: Key findings from the 2017 Aboriginal peoples survey , (Catalog number No. 89-653-x20180004). Retrieved from https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/89-653-x/89-653-x2018003-eng.htm Ontario Supports Indigenous Businesses During COVID-19 (July 23, 2020): https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/57721/ontario-supports-indigenous-businesses-during-covid-19 Schmunk, R. (September, 2019). How Indigenous dancers connect with their power through performance. CBC News. Retrieved from: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/beyond-human-power-documentary-1.5 WALKER, N. (2019). Living languages. Canadian Geographic, 22.